Month: 05:54 PM

(Français) “Mali-South” ou la beauté de s’habiller à l’africaine

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.

“Africa:ancient rites, moderne celebrations” on Radio France Internationale

« …Comment vivre nos valeurs au présent ? C’est cela que nous sommes en train de chercher avec toutes ces nouvelles formes de célébration du mariage, de remise de dot, ou de célébration des funérailles que nous trouvons en Afrique, dans les villes comme au fin fond des villages. »

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Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year 2013

In this period of the Nativity, Sourou-onsite wishes you a Merry Christmas and and Very Happy New Year 2013.

USA: African Studies Association 55th Annual Meeting

Another important moment of the Meeting was the Awards Ceremony in the Grand Ballroom at the Marriott Hotel, November 29th 2012. Among the Awardees some scholars, Africanists, writers and the ASA Presidential Fellows who are this year 2012: Gbemisola Adeoti from Nigeria, Jamima Anderson from Ghana and Jean-Baptiste Sourou from Benin/Tanzania.

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Rutgers University:Africa in the heart at the Center for African Studies

I was also very fascinated by students interested in African cultures and ritual celebrations. I had a friendly conversation in Professor Barbara Cooper’s course in History of Ancient Africa. The main argument was on the relationship between culture and history. Students asked many questions.

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