Month: 08:14 PM

“Affondo” launch in Rome: Act now to stop migrant deaths in Mediterranean, European and African leaders told

(Français) Dans le cadre d’une série de présentations prévues en Italie, le livre “Affondo”, lauréat du Prix International Award for Solidarity with Refugees 2013 a fait étape à Rome, le mercredi 23 octobre 2013. C’était en la Salle Marconi de Radio Vatican.

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Panama: Awarding Ceremony of the 2013 International Journalism and Media Awards

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Affondo, book on dangerous boat journeys to Europe to be launched in Rome

A new book exploring the dangerous boat journeys undertaken by Africans attempting to reach Europe will be officially launched in Rome on 23rd October 2013. It explores what happens to those who embark on these dangerous journeys, what happens to those who don’t make it, and the inhumane treatment reserved for those who are lucky to make it.

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