
Rivogliono il loro pesce

Cover_Rivogliono il loro pesceThis new book is about the migration crisis through the Mediterranean Sea with the intent to help people to have an objective view on the causes of forced migrations from and in Africa. So they can go beyond some xenophobic attitudes and discourses against migrants.

Publisher: Cedres Press | Year: 2018| Pages: 206 including 12 white and black illustrative pictures

Price: 18,00 Euro

ISBN: 978-99919-79-66-3

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Writing through the Visual and Virtual

libro nuovoWriting Through the Visual and Virtual: Inscribing Language, Literature, and Culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean interrogates conventional notions of writing. The contributors—whose disciplines include anthropology, art history, education, film, history, linguistics, literature, performance studies, philosophy, sociology, translation, and visual arts—examine the complex interplay between language/literature/arts and the visual and virtual domains of expressive culture. The twenty-five essays explore various patterns of writing practices arising from contemporary and historical forces that have impacted the literatures and cultures of Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, Morocco, Niger, Reunion Island, and Senegal. Special attention is paid to how scripts, though appearing to be merely decorative in function, are often used by artists and performers in the production of material and non-material culture to tell “stories” of great significance, co-mingling words and images in a way that leads to a creative synthesis that links the local and the global, the “classical” and the “popular” in new ways.

Chronique d’un été glacial: le rêve naufragé des Africains

Coperta.inddCedres Press



Price: 7 Euros/ 3900 FCFA

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This book is about the African immigration through the Mediterranean Sea with its dramatic consequences, which the author calls “the drowned dreams of Africans”.

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Affondo (Awarded Book)

Edizioni San Paolo
CDU: 95A 115 80 pagine
€ 9,00 Acquista

Every year or every day during this decade, many Africans, young, elders, men, women, entire families coming from Africa try to reach Europe. Many of them die during the journey through the Mediterranean Sea, since they travel in very dangerous conditions without food, compass, water or whatever.
This book is also an analytic work on how Western media treat African immigration in Europe; it’s a denunciation of what Africa should do and the hypocrisy which characterizes the management of this sad phenomenon.

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Afrique : rites antiques, célébrations modernes

Afrique : rites antiques, célébrations modernes
Comment les Africains célèbrent leurs rites aujourd’hui
Editions Ménaibuc
ISBN : 978-2-35349-154-4
€ 20,00 Buy Now

This book describes and analyses the transformation of the community ritual celebrations of weddings, funerals and life transitions among the Fon community in Benin. Far from disappearing from the Fon culture, the celebrations of rites are becoming ever more spectacular…

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L’Ora della Maturità

L’Ora della Maturità
La Chiesa in Africa ai tempi del secondo Sinodo
€ 9,00 Buy Now

In October 2009 the second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa was held in Rome.
Jean-Baptiste Sourou participated as a keen observer and met many of the people who were present.This book presents the highlights of the Synod and it’s a good introduction to the Post Synod Exhortation which will be launched next November in Benin by Pope Benedict XVI.

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Comment être africain et chrétien ? Essai sur l’inculturation du mariage en Afrique

Comment être africain et chrétien ?
Essai sur l’inculturation du mariage en Afrique
ISBN : 978-2-296-08079-9
€ 14,00 Buy Now

The first part of this book is an anthropological presentation of marriage within Sahouè ethnic group in Benin. The author shows the steps of this ritual and analyses some important points. Then he presents the catholic thought about the wedding.

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Jean-Paul II: Pape blanc et Africain

Jean-Paul II: Pape blanc et Africain
ISBN : 978-2-296-08105-5
€ 18,50 Buy Now

This book is an exposition and exploration about pope John Paul II pastoral engagements for Africa…

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Ecclesia in Africa à la Lumière de l’Esprit d’Assise

Ecclesia in Africa à la Lumière de l’Esprit d’Assise
ISBN : 978-2-296-07398-2
€ 13,00 Buy Now

The book is divided into three chapters.
The first presents the “spirit of Assisi”: from the religious meeting in Assisi in 1987 called by Pope John Paul II to today, including the spiritual heritage of St Francis of Assisi.
The second is about the post-synodal document Ecclesia in Africa. It presents step by step the whole document.

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