(Français) Monde rural: le programme ambitieux du nouveau directeur du Fida
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Rutgers University host event to raise awareness of refugee crisis
A report from the Daily Targum (Rutgers University News paper)
Kindly find the caratheristics of the Cedres Project in the brochure below:
Dear colleagues and dear friends,
the Cedres Project: Education First cannot reach its goals without your generous support. We welcome patnerships with universities, research centers, schools, NGOs and all kind of contributions.
We have began a campaign to facilitate donations:www.gofundme.com/beninproject
Kindly consider helping us implement our projects. Your support, however small, will be very important and will help carry out the first phase of the project: the library, ten rooms and the canteen. Help us to ensure that Young Africans become protagonists of their own future and the development of their countries. Thank you very much.
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Un concert de soutien au Projet Cedres a été donné à Quinto Vicentino le samedi 14 mars 2015. Veuillez trouver ici le lien du fotoreportage.
Jean-Baptiste Sourou has presented on TEF Channel the Project Cedres on TEF Channel.
The Cedres is a Center for young students, scholars and reserachers local and international which will be based in Benin Republic, West
Africa. Watch the viedo on you tube.
More info: www.cedres-ong.org
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Jean-Baptiste Sourou was the guest of TEF Channel News on Friday 07th February 2014. He was interviewed by Paola Costantini on his double awarded book “Affondo” on African immigration through Mediterranean.
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