Music and Urban Popular Culture in Africa: Role and Nature of Music in Emboding New Symbolic Forms (including fieldwork in South Africa, Ghana, Togo and Benin).
Ritual Wisdom and Initiation.
The roles of media on the construction of democracy in Africa. The case of Benin from 1990 to 2010.
The Introduction of modern media in traditional rites.
African Cities: Place for Developing a New “Hybrid” African Culture.
MARCH 2013
Writing Trough the Visual/Virtual: Inscribing Language, Literature and Culture in Francophone African and the Caribbean; Rutgers University’s Center for African Studies, New Jersey, USA.
Law and Religion in Africa: Comparative Practices, Experiences and Prospects in Accra, Ghana
55th Annual Meeting of the Association of African Studies in Philadelplia in the USA on Research Frontiers in the Study of Africa
JUNE 2012
Launch Meeting of the 2013 African Humanities Program Fellowships organized by the American Council of Learned Socities (ACLS) at the University of Ghana in Accra-Legon.
JUNE 2009
Conference Whats Culture got to do with it?(The Cultural Images in and of Africa) organized by the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden.
Conference on Media, Religion and Culture. SAO PAOLO – BRAZIL.
MAY 2008
Seminar on Popular Cultures today. Gregorian University, ROME – ITALY.
JUNE 2007
International Catholic Union of the Press Congress on the Theme Media and Religion: risk or opportunity? The impact of modern media on religious and social conscience, SHERBROOKE – CANADA.
World Congress on Communication for Development, Organized by FAO, the World Bank and the Communicative Initiative, ROME – ITALY.
JULY 2006
Media, Religion and Culture International Conference, SIGTUNA– SWEDEN.
JULY 2006
International Seminar on Media, Religion and Culture, organized by PORTICUS, SIGTUNA – SWEDEN.
International Seminar on Media, Culture and Religion organized by PORTICUS, ROME – ITALY.
JUNE 2005
International conference on Asian youth at the time of globalization, BANGKOK – THAILAND.
APRIL 2005
IV th Symposium on Social Communications: Media, Disasters and Political Interests, ROME – ITALY.
UCIP (International Catholic Union of the Press) 25th Congress on Media challenges amidst cultural and religious pluralism for a new social order, justice and peace, BANGKOK –THAILAND.
The First Conference of African Intellectuals and those from the Diaspora, DAKAR – SENEGAL.
MARCH 2004
International Conference: Peace and Reconciliation in Africa, VERONA – ITALY.
Conference on African Cultures organized by AICS, BELLUNO – ITALY.
International Awards
São Paolo, Brazil, August 2008 International Award on Media, Religion and Culture
Philadelphia, USA, Thursday 29th November 2012
African Studies Association (ASA) Presidential Fellow
Review’s Articles
Christianity and Vodoun (Traditional Religion) in Africa: The reality of Benin, 1993.
New Beninian generations: hope of the society and of the Church, in L’Osservatore Romano, 1993.
The Church and the democratic process in Africa in L’Osservatore Romano, 1993.
New Beninian generations: hope of the society and of the Church, in L’Osservatore Romano, 1993.
Who condemns African populations? , Assisi 1993.
Africa and the Gospel: The first Christianity contacts with the black continent in L’Osservatore Romano, 1994
Christ calls Africa, Africa is ready for Christ! Assisi, 1994.
Slave babies: a long shameful chain, April 19th 2001.
The rule of the media in the construction of the young democracies in Africa, Rome, November 2003
Immigration: stories and reality; (Dossier) Messaggero 2003
John-Paul II, an African with the white skin in Géopolitique Africaine n° 19-20 Summer-Autumn 2005
Benin: analysis of the socio-political situation in Nigrizia March 2006
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